Do I Require a Quote for a New Roof Due to Storm Damage?

You’ve contacted your insurance provider regarding potential storm damage to your property. They’re scheduled to assess your property soon. Are you wondering if it’s necessary to obtain a repair estimate? Here’s a helpful tip from Midwestern Construction.

Yes, you need a separate repair estimate from a licensed contractor. Your insurance adjuster will typically provide you with a repair estimate that is generated through an insurance industry standard software called Xactimate OR using their own internal system. This estimate, or “scope of loss” is a helpful guideline on what you expect your repair to cost, but it is not always consistent with current market prices nor does it always include the required components for your repair based on code and manufacturer guidelines.

This does not mean that anyone is acting in bad faith! Your insurance adjuster is an expert on policy, and your contractor should be an expert on construction. This is where Midwestern Construction can help. We work with adjusters every day to discuss what the necessary requirements are for a repair or replacement of your roofing system and justify our position by simply explaining the process, providing code and manufacturer documentation, and showing them the damages we are seeing. 

Your only financial responsibility when handling a claim is your deductible, unless you desire to pay for upgrades or changes that venture outside the approved scope of work. We will always provide our own estimate for the scope of work that is based on our cost for materials and labor. This estimate along with any necessary documentation is submitted to you, the insured, and it is your responsibility to provide it to your carrier as you are contracted with them.

How Does the Process of Installing a New Roof Work?

The storm has passed, and Midwestern Construction has secured a new roof for you due to storm damage. What’s next? Here’s a quick tip from Midwestern Construction.

Your insurance company will provide an estimate or “scope of loss” of the damages. You’ll encounter two key figures: the Actual Cash Value and the Recoverable Cash Value. Insurance companies assess the value of your roof and depreciate it based on its age. The first payment you’ll receive is the actual cash value, which may seem low. However, don’t worry! Once the repairs are completed, they’ll release the remaining funds. Many homeowners mistakenly think the actual cash value is the total amount they’ll receive for damages. Midwestern Construction takes care of these details for you. As a homeowner, remember that your only expense is your deductible.

If you have a mortgage, be aware that the insurance check may be issued to both you and your mortgage company. In such cases, you’ll need your mortgage company’s endorsement on the check before you can cash it.

Midwestern Construction deals with insurance matters daily, so feel free to reach out to us for peace of mind and assistance.

What is the Insurance Process for Roof Damage Claims?

I have roof insurance and recently experienced a storm. Should I file a claim and what steps should I take? Here’s a quick tip from Midwestern Construction.

Many homeowners hesitate to file a claim, worrying it might affect their insurance rates. However, rates are not impacted by ‘acts of God’ like storms, regardless of the number of storm-related claims. Contrastingly, claims for preventable incidents, like a broken window from a carelessly thrown ball or damage from your car hitting your garage, could affect your rates.

If you suspect storm damage, contact your insurance agent or company, informing them about the storm and potential damage. They will inquire about everyone’s safety, check for any internal water damage, and arrange an inspection.

Reach out to Midwestern Construction and ensure that our representative is present during the adjuster’s visit. We’ll collaborate with them to assess the damage’s extent and assist you in the repair process.

What Occurs During a Roof Damage Inspection?

You’ve contacted your insurance company about storm damage, and they’ve informed you that they will be inspecting your property. What should you do next? Here’s a quick tip from Midwestern Construction.

It’s crucial to have a representative present when the insurance adjuster visits your property. If you’re working with Midwestern Construction, inform the adjuster to contact us before the inspection so we can ensure our presence. During significant storm events, adjusters are assigned numerous claims and they aim to process these as efficiently as possible.

Having a Midwestern Construction representative is beneficial because we have already inspected your property. We can guide adjusters to the specific areas of damage and are knowledgeable about the roofing history in your neighborhood, including the number of replacements and the various insurance companies involved.

If there’s a disagreement regarding the damage, we ensure the adjuster documents and photographs our concerns, maintaining a record of what was observed. This is done professionally and respectfully, strengthening our case if the claim for roof replacement is initially denied.

What Should I Anticipate on the Day of My Roofing Project?

Your new roof has been purchased and the installation date is set, with Midwestern Construction on their way to start the project. What should you expect during the project? Here’s a quick tip from Midwestern Construction.

Installing a new roof is a significant construction endeavor, typically completed within a single day. Midwestern Construction will coordinate with you to decide where to place a dumpster on your property. Roofing materials might be delivered a day in advance, so we request that you keep your vehicles out of the garage. If your garage is right under the roof, be aware that there might be some shingle dust inside. During cleanup, a few nails might be left on the ground, so it’s advisable to wear shoes if you’re outside that day. Your presence isn’t required during the project.

If feasible, mow your lawn the day before we arrive. It’s much easier to clean up nails and debris from short grass. Additionally, if you have a pet dog, kindly clear the yard of any waste – it would be greatly appreciated.

Be prepared for an early start in the morning and considerable construction noise throughout the day. But remember, this is just temporary, and by the end of the day, you’ll have a brand new roof.

What Steps Should You Take During a Storm?

Sirens are sounding, indicating a severe storm is imminent, and you have only a few minutes to react. What should you do? Here’s a quick tip from Midwestern Construction.

Firstly, keep clear of doors and windows. Avoid trying to record the storm; focus on safety instead. Gather everyone in the lowest level of your home and stay calm. Once the storm has passed and it’s safe, collect any hail, measure it, and freeze it for evidence. Take photos or videos of the hail. Clear hail suggests harder, more potentially damaging ice compared to milky hail, which indicates softer ice.

Assess the damage from the ground without using a ladder to check the roof. Examine your downspouts for dents and check the cladding around windows. Observe your plants for shredded leaves, as these are all indicators of storm damage.

Contact Midwestern Construction promptly so our specialists can evaluate the damage and devise an effective plan of action.