Residential Roofing Experts in MN, SD, and IA

From start to finish, our attention to detail guarantees our customers a safe, secure, and long-lasting roof replacement. Whether it’s the initial roof inspection, assisting homeowners with their insurance claim, carefully planning and reviewing the roof replacement project, or the final inspection and cleanup, our team at Midwestern Construction is always focused on providing customers with the best possible product. No matter your residential roofing needs, Midwestern Construction has you covered.

If your roof has extensive damage and requires immediate replacement, our team at Midwestern Construction is committed to your project every step of the way. Let our experienced roofing experts provide you with a professional, accurate assessment that will offer the best possible solution for your roof replacement project.

Roofing Services

Over the past several years, the industry has started focusing on delivering roofing systems that are designed towards supplying consumers with “life-time rated” – “no maintenance” products. Modern engineering and education have taught us that the best way to obtain these life-time rated expectancies is to install these products to the manufacturer’s specifications and in line with all local and State building codes. These codes are regulated to help deliver a solid standard of workmanship across the industry. Building Codes, in general, assist in protecting your property, safeguarding the watertight integrity, and energy-efficient attributes of your structure, adding overall security to your investment.

To ensure that you are getting the optimum performance out of your investment, the professionals at Midwestern Construction will provide you with a free, comprehensive inspection, applying all applicable State and local building codes, and delivering a superb level of customer service.

Whether your home or business project requires simple repairs or full replacement, let our experience assist you in the areas of: ASPHALT ROOFING, CEDAR, POLYMERS, SHEET METAL AND FLAT ROOFING.

Midwestern Construction Understands Insurance

Our Team Works with Major Insurance Companies Every Single Day.

Even in today’s extremely competitive market, we have come out at the top for providing our clients with excellent services at the most reasonable prices. Additionally, we believe in maintaining the highest standards of quality without ever compromising on the services we provide. We understand the role a good roof plays in the structural integrity of any building, and we want our customers to have confidence that their home is fully protected from the elements Minnesota dishes out.

Our workers have years of experience and are skilled in using a variety of materials and the latest technology to make your home not only safe and stable but also good looking. We provide a full manufacturer warranty on the products used.

Our professionals work closely with you to fully understand your requirements, needs, and budget. Based on the information you provide, we come up with an estimate that is tailored for each individual client.

Residential Roofing and Insurance

Extensive roof damage means that you’ll be faced with filing complicated insurance claims, and Midwestern Construction is here to help you through the entire process. We understand the importance of providing your insurance company with accurate claims information, and we’ll be right by your side, making certain that nothing is left to chance.

Midwestern Construction takes great care in making sure your lawn, flowers, plants, walkways, driveways, and other important areas of your home are protected and then completely cleaned at the end of each workday. We make sure all nails and other roof-related metal objects are picked up by high-powered magnets that we roll over your lawn, garden, and driveway areas. At Midwestern Construction, we make sure that you, your property, and your loved ones are protected at all times.

If you’re faced with replacing your roof, finding the right roofing contractor is critical to ensure your family’s safety and to maintain the overall value of your home. Midwestern Construction understands that your project, no matter what the scope, is an important step in restoring your home to its original condition and making certain that your family is safe and secure.

Why Choose Midwestern Construction for Your Metal Roofing Needs?

  • Durability: Metal roofs are known for their longevity and resistance to harsh weather conditions. Our expert installers ensure your metal roof will stand the test of time.
  • Energy Efficiency: Metal roofs can help improve energy efficiency, reducing heating and cooling costs for your commercial property.

Why Choose Midwestern Construction for Your Shingle Roofing Needs?

  • Versatility: Shingle roofs offer a wide range of styles and colors to match your building’s aesthetics.
  • Cost-Effective: Shingle roofs are often a cost-effective choice without compromising quality.

Our Team Works with Major Insurance Companies Every Single Day. We Are Here To Help You!

Want an estimate for your roofing needs? Contact usContact Us for your free quote today!